Who am I?
This timeless question has inspired many a journey as we seek to understand self. The heart of Theatre Adventure is just this---a quest for revealing self with inspiration provided by color, texture, rhythm, words, power animals, nature, and of course imagination. Such rich exploration is grounded in relationships, connecting with others with care, love and respect.
As if in a hot air balloon, the audience will float through the clouds, drifting with warm air currents, and gently rocked with the beauty of story, images, songs, and emotions.
The Prince of the Brook is seen knighting the cougar. Together, with the help of the Eagle flying overhead, they protect the animals of the brook.
Josh and his father puppet have just been reunited.
Take a sneak peak into our Daydreaming rehearsals
With great appreciation, we thank John Sebastian for giving us permission to use his song " Daydream."