We have wrapped our first online fundraiser and raised $4,792 of our $5,000 goal.
We are grateful for your belief in the work of Theatre Adventure to help empower individuals with disabilities who have a passion for theater, performance, and friendship.
Your donation has been used to purchase the technology and equipment needed to launch our new hybrid model of online and in-person programming in September. We have purchased a 65” Monitor and rolling stand and are currently learning how to incorporate Zoom into our in-person meetings through the use of a NEAT bar and pad.
Maria and Laura learning how to operate our new equipment.
A community of learners stirs imaginations and incites brave theater. This is just what happened for us as a result of being online for the past year and a half throughout the pandemic. We learned that there are benefits to online programming that we are planning to integrate with our in-person curriculum.
During the pandemic we imagined ourselves as sailors in uncharted territory while we created ways to be engaged, connected, and creative-- all while being together online. And now we have accepted the challenge to venture to unknown lands as a theater arts organization that will utilize both online and in-person programming. How exciting!
With your help we are spreading our wings to reach new levels of accessibility and inclusion.
We invite you to become an audience member for one of our livestreaming shows. Together we are helping to transform the lives of innovative performing artists.
With Appreciation,
Laura Lawson Tucker and Darlene Jenson,
Theatre Adventure