Our future is looking rosy!

Image of a pink and lavender sunset over the tranquil water of Long Lake

Dear Theatre Adventure Friends,

As we enter the new year, we want to express our sincere gratitude to our friends and supporters for your generosity during our Year-End appeal. Each and every donation we receive enables us to meet the evolving aspirations of our actors and continue to provide a nurturing community for creative exploration.

Our 20th-anniversary celebration, held at the Latchis Theatre in November, featuring our documentary was an out-of-this-world experience! So many people came to celebrate our actors, their work, and the achievement of Theatre Adventure being alive and well at twenty years of age!

We are looking forward to a new year that dazzles with great opportunities for learning and mastering new skills as an actor and Troupe member. Optimism will be our fuel as we dive into our two spring productions, a Variety Show Coffee House in April and a theater production, The Princess and the Goblin in May. Please join us!

Image of the sun shining through deciduous trees along a snowy dirt road. On a lower black border is white italic text that reads, "Happy New Year."

We thank you for traveling with us on this amazing journey as we create theater that shines with opportunities for our artists with disabilities.

The Theatre Adventure Team of Teachers, Staff, and Board Members.