In-person students sit reaching their arms up in a movement warm-up while online students mirror their movements in their zoom windows.
We are so grateful for the support that we received to purchase the technology and equipment needed to launch our new hybrid model of programming.
We have opened the door to a new world of experimental theater. Our amazing actors are helping us learn how to integrate our in-person and online theater environments in exciting new ways. Two years ago we would have never imagined creating theater that includes actors on an online stage.
We call our style of performance at The West Village Meeting House Wraparound Theater. Our unusual performance spaces create the feeling of embracing the audience. Now we look forward to expanding our stage to embrace our online actors.
Watch a short video of Sher leading our in-person and online students in a movement exercise.
A community of learners stirs imaginations and incites brave theater.
Wednesday Troupe is gathering to create their show, The Curious Child and the Flying Horses
In-person students Brady and Paul listening to the comments of fellow actors online.
We are exploring the characters and storyline through movement work, puppets and our imaginations. We embody the different elements of the story—our hands become the campfire, our arms become the wings of the flying horses, and our feet become the thundering hooves.
The Thursday Troupe is also gathering to create their show, Harmony: A Portrait of Friendship
Alauna and Rachel performing a choreographed dance for their fellow actors.
The Troupe has been diving deep into the concept of friendship. While workshopping the topic, the students shared the following:
“A friend is someone who never gives up on you.”
“Without having friends there would be no way to get through surviving life.”
“Connections with loved ones.”
Troupe member’s reflections will become the centerpiece of our November 12th show, Harmony: A Portrait of Friendship.