Today is an auspicious day. How could it be that on this first day of winter the length of our days begins to increase? That is, the beginning of our season of cold and dark is juxtaposed to the lengthening of daytime.
A hand drawn solstice wheel illustrating the waning light in winter.
And this is what I am feeling today, this strange contradiction is offering feelings of hopefulness. This pandemic has certainly brought many hardships: loss, isolation, separation, illness, lack of physical touch for some, financial hardships, and yearnings to return to life, “as we knew it.”
A balm for our spirits might be to know that as we brace for winter weather challenges, at the same time we are being offered an opening of more light in our days.
We have had an amazing 2020, our first year as our own organization, and during a pandemic. Another strange contradiction? There is power in theater and the arts. We have witnessed our actors express themselves through the arts with abandon, courage, and vitality.
An exaltation of self in relationship to others in a community of love and care has carried us through 2020. We look forward to our 2021 spring shows, Daydreaming and Charlotte’s Web as opportunities for our Troupe Members to sparkle and flourish!
Thank you to everyone for your part in helping shine a light on Theatre Adventure artists, truly, on anyone. Together, our collective work is creating an abundance of sunshine in our communities.