Theatre Adventure Winter Solstice Tale

Just as autumn slowly folds into winter and the nights are gently growing longer, feelings of connecting with self and others, with a sweetness of caring and empathy, have been growing in Theatre Adventure all year.

Just as we seek to capture moments of sunbeams during this Winter Solstice season, so too, throughout the year, have we been capturing actors during moments of triumph calling out, “I did it!”

Just as the darkness of this season invites reflection, our Mentors are being introspective and revealing new insights, “Oh! Now I understand!”

Just as the seeds are now settled into the depths of the earth to build their resiliency throughout this winter season, so too, our actors are building a sturdy belief in self each time they speak out, reach out, and express their personhood.

Just as stories nourish us during this quieter season of circling around and gathering in, so too Theatre Adventure storytellers have been riding flying horses, venturing underseas with Selkies, and laughing and making plans to meet at the park with friends.

Just as the squirrels seem quite mischievous as if they are storing up playfulness as well as acorns for the winter, so too imaginations and playfulness have carried us well throughout the year.

Just as the all-knowing cycle of seasons guides our annual rhythms of activity, so too have we learned that when we come together, we express ourselves artistically, we connect with each other and with audiences, and in time our actors arrive and say enthusiastically,

“I am here!”

Friends posing backstage in the Green Room before showtime.

Our Message of Thanksgiving

Harmony: Different and Together

We have harmony within ourselves

Different and Together

Our actors have harmony with one another

Different and Together

Our audiences have harmony with the performers

Different and Together

Our supporters have harmony with the Theatre Adventure community

Different and Together

Three people sitting together outside during snack time in their harmonizing purple attire.

We celebrate that we are different and that we are together

As in musical harmonizing, there is joy to be felt, connections to be made,

and surprises to be appreciated in theater, as well as in life.

Nate enjoying his family during outside snack time.

Thank you for what you give to the Theatre Adventure community,

Darlene and Laura

What a glorious fall we all enjoyed together! The Wednesday Troupe had so much fun exploring our new story for their upcoming spring production, The Curious Child and the Flying Horses. Movement, percussion, silhouette puppets, shadow screen work, and theater games were enjoyed by all---both in-person and online students and teachers!

Listen to an original song, “Curious Child” written by Rich Nethercott for our Spring production.

The Thursday Troupe co-created our preview fall fundraising show, Friendship: An Invitation to Connect. What triumph for all of us to begin learning the ins and the outs to hybrid programming AND to a live streamed show!

Gandalf setting off magic fireworks for his friend Bilbo.

You can now watch our Fall Production, Friendship: An Invitation to Connect on Vimeo.

Wishing Everyone Togetherness and Creativity!

“Ode to Theatre Adventure” A Song

"Ode to Theatre Adventure"

Lyrics by Leslie Kinney

Music by Rich Nethercott

Two years in and we’re here to stay

Thanks to your support we’ll put on a play

To act and to sing and move with delight

Our confidence builds, ain’t no stage-fright

And thanks to Zoom we can come from afar

If we’ve got our screens, no need for a car.

Planning, rehearsing for twenty twenty-two

Got some great shows to put on for you

The Curious Child’s gonna travel the world

With magical horses the tale’s unfurled 

A time to discover and learn without rest

Returning to family and home which is best.

The Harmony of Friends with laughter galore 

Meeting and greeting, conversation and more

Plus other emotions when friends gather ‘round

Sometimes there’s sadness and even a frown

But still we’re together through good times or bad

Friendship’s our thing, it makes us real glad. 

We’ve got actors online, with puppets and art

And actors on stage, performing with heart

We’ve now gone hybrid, tech’s our means

To offer our shows on stage and screens 

Your support is essential, there is no doubt

We dedicate this song and are sending it out.

We could not perform if it weren’t for you

Our performers need an audience or two

We’ll keep on acting, without much pause

But truth to tell, it’s more fun with applause

Or with comments left for us in a chat 

To our watchers online, we give a tip of the hat. 

So come on now, we won’t confound

Our story’s simple and yet profound

Everyone’s included, no one’s left out

Respect all abilities, our joyful shout

We kindly invite you to join our community

Theatre Adventure’s got the spirit of unity. 

Show Day in the Life of Theatre Adventure

Maria was testing the audio for in-person and live-streaming audiences, the live-streaming cameras, Zoom settings, and her own boosting of her own batteries;

Leslie was testing and setting up the mics for the in-person actors, the cues in QLab in her laptop, and her own cues with her fellow tech wizards;

Laura Howe was taking pre-show photos of the in-person actors while they were preparing for the show, and checking in about management of the Zoom meeting room as seen on her laptop;

Darlene was online checking in with all of the online actors in Zoom making sure that their lighting was set up properly, that they were prepared for their lines, and that they were ready to be engaged during the show;

Sher was busy online finishing final finishing touches to her beautiful sound studio and practicing her original soundscapes for the show;

Rich was online connecting with each actor on Zoom, role modeling being responsive, vibrant, and ready to rock out to his songs during the show;

Rachel was helping each online actor become embodied and prepared to express themselves fully with their bodies with their own physicality throughout the show;

Laura was going over new blocking with some of the in-person actors, making sure that each actor was greeted and understood what was needed from them in preparation with the show;

Lori was earlier in the day driving to a few online actors’ houses and helping them with their hair styling, later she was helping each in-person actor get costumed and looking fabulous for the show;

All of the actors (online and in-person) were bursting with anticipation as they arrived for cast call, they focused on their costumes, studied their lines, and interacted with one another with happy and expectant energy;

All of the Support Professionals both online and in-person were helping their actor stay focused and energized for their performance;

Board Members and Volunteers were helping with parking cars, box office, front of house, selling Theatre Adventure T-shirts, and online being prepared to facilitate active messaging in Chat Box during the show.

Family Members were purchasing ticketshelping with transportation to and from the show, taking photographs for us during the show, offering encouragement nearby for the online actors and cheering and applauding for the actors.


ALL AGREE IT WAS A MANY THUMBS UP PERFORMANCE that was only possible with everyone’s support, love, and expertise!  What an absolutely beautiful circle of care and empowerment. THANK YOU!

Announcing Our Fall Fundraising Show!

Friendship: An Invitation to Connect

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What a wonderfully exhilarating time we are having experiencing the ins and outs of our new hybrid theater. We are learning how to integrate both in-person and online actors in an experimental theater setting. Students and teachers alike are brimming over with the buzz and head spinning.

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Actor’s silhouettes behind a shadow screen reaching out to hold hands during rehearsal.

We are fortunate to have a skillful and talented team. Lori is crafting glorious costuming, Sher is creating sumptuous soundscapes, Maria is managing mountains of technical design, Rich has written fabulous friendship inspired songs, Darlene is guiding the online actors with their beautiful paintings and drawings, Leslie is designing poetic student-inspired slide shows, Laura Howe is gently facilitating actors connecting with one another, and Rachel is artistically inspiring movement and acting.

In-person and online Actors connecting with hands outstretched.

Our actors are expressing their artistry with spunk, passion, and courage----from our online and in-person environments----in our hybrid theater.

We are discovering new forms of self-expression, several of which we are utilizing for our upcoming show, Friendship: An Invitation to Connect. Our rolling cart with the monitor featuring our online actors will move, turn, and be interactive as a means to bring human qualities from the monitor to our production. A few in-person actors will share in a living room style conversation with actors who are online. 

We are having a great time forging ahead in a new frontier knowing we are creating experimental theater that knows no limits and boundaries!

Please join us and share in our mind-bending new forms of artistic expression.  You will be supporting theater that holds up its actors as the great pioneers and artists they are!


The show will be in-person with limited seating at the West Village Meeting House and streamed live online for remote viewers.

Celebrating Lori Angell

Lori Angell joined Theatre Adventure in 2005, a year after its inception. She arrived with eleven years of experience as a Special Educator. Lori's first role was as an agency Support Professional for an actor. She was soon thereafter hired as a teacher.

When Theater Adventure's Costumer left in 2011, Lori stepped in to fill those shoes. Since then, she has volunteered countless hours to design and sew breathtaking costumes for over thirty eight shows. 

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Lori's favorite shows to design are productions from specific periods of time. She says there is a lot of detail in period costuming, “ it is challenging, but a good challenge.” Lori adds that the best part about being the Costumer for Theatre Adventure is, “seeing the expressions on the actors’ faces when they try on their costumes.

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Come see Lori’s costuming in, Friendship: An Invitation to Connect that highlights the actors from the inside out. Lori takes the time to learn our actors' favorite colors, preferred style of clothing and fabric textures. She is committed to helping each actor feel great and then from backstage, Lori delights in watching the actors bring their confidence and exuberance to the stage. Thank you Lori!

Our New Journey Has Begun

In-person students sit reaching their arms up in a movement warm-up while online students mirror their movements in their zoom windows.

In-person students sit reaching their arms up in a movement warm-up while online students mirror their movements in their zoom windows.

We are so grateful for the support that we received to purchase the technology and equipment needed to launch our new hybrid model of programming. 

We have opened the door to a new world of experimental theater. Our amazing actors are helping us learn how to integrate our in-person and online theater environments in exciting new ways. Two years ago we would have never imagined creating theater that includes actors on an online stage.

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We call our style of performance at The West Village Meeting House Wraparound Theater. Our unusual performance spaces create the feeling of embracing the audience. Now we look forward to expanding our stage to embrace our online actors.

Watch a short video of Sher leading our in-person and online students in a movement exercise.

A community of learners stirs imaginations and incites brave theater.

Wednesday Troupe is gathering to create their show, The Curious Child and the Flying Horses

In-person students Brady and Paul listening to the comments of fellow actors online.

In-person students Brady and Paul listening to the comments of fellow actors online.

We are exploring the characters and storyline through movement work, puppets and our imaginations. We embody the different elements of the story—our hands become the campfire, our arms become the wings of the flying horses, and our feet become the thundering hooves.


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The Thursday Troupe is also gathering to create their show, Harmony: A Portrait of Friendship

Alauna and Rachel performing a choreographed dance for their fellow actors.

Alauna and Rachel performing a choreographed dance for their fellow actors.

The Troupe has been diving deep into the concept of friendship. While workshopping the topic, the students shared the following:

“A friend is someone who never gives up on you.”

“Without having friends there would be no way to get through surviving life.”

“Connections with loved ones.”

Troupe member’s reflections will become the centerpiece of our November 12th show, Harmony: A Portrait of Friendship.



Theatre Adventure to Perform during the October Gallery Walk

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The Theatre Adventure Touring Troupe presents:

Friday, October 1st at 5:30 pm


Artful Streets @ Gallery Walk

On the Balcony of Hotel Pharmacy in Downtown Brattleboro on Elliot Street

This performance is invitational to enter a dream world---a world that lifts one spirits, a world that knows no boundaries and limits, a world that with buoyancy helps to ignite one’s dreams and the encouragement to claim those dreams with fire, breath, artistry, and belief in self. A peaceful and vibrant soundscape will be created by Sher Levesque, a sound artist and musician as well as a Theatre Adventure teacher.

A lightness of spirit will be our guide as if we are lifting off reveling in a hot air balloon escapade.

With the help of Bob the director, Cheryl the performer, Allyanna the fortune teller, Harry the fairy prince, the Eagle, and Celine Dinah Marie Goldberg the singer-dancer, the audience will float through the clouds and enjoy the beauty of puppets, stories, and emotions.

The actors give passion and dedication to their performances.

The Theatre Adventure Touring Troupe members pose with their puppets on a sunny day at the Retreat Farm.

The Theatre Adventure Touring Troupe members pose with their puppets on a sunny day at the Retreat Farm.

Theatre Adventure at “Puppets in Paradise”

The Theatre Adventure Touring Troupe will be presenting excerpts from our recent production Daydreaming at Sandglass Theater’s Puppets in Paradise 2021

September 4 & 5 at Retreat Farm

Sandglass Theater’s most beloved community event, Puppets in Paradise, brings together artists and audience for a two-day celebration of theater arts and agrarian traditions of Southern Vermont. Theatre Adventure is honored to have been asked to participate. This premier biennial family event is produced with Retreat Farm, a prominent feature of the Brattleboro landscape for 180 years. Today its 500 acres of conserved forests, farmlands, trails, waterways, and gardens is freely accessible to the community.

Theatre Adventure’s Daydreaming invites the audience to enter a dream world---a world that lifts one spirits, a world that knows no boundaries and limits, a world that with buoyancy helps to ignite one’s dreams and the encouragement to claim them with fire, breath, artistry, and belief in self.

A lightness of spirit will be our guide as if we are lifting off reveling in a hot air balloon escapade. With the help of Bob the director, Cheryl the performer, Alyanna the fortune teller, Harry the fairy prince, the Eagle, and Celine Dinah Marie Goldberg the singer-dancer, the audience will float through the clouds and enjoy the beauty of puppets, stories, and emotions.

Read more about Puppets in Paradise

A woman in a parade wearing a blue costume and holding a large fish puppet that is blowing bubbles.

A woman in a parade wearing a blue costume and holding a large fish puppet that is blowing bubbles.

We Reached the Finish Line

We have wrapped our first online fundraiser and raised $4,792 of our $5,000 goal.

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We are grateful for your belief in the work of Theatre Adventure to help empower individuals with disabilities who have a passion for theater, performance, and friendship.

Your donation has been used to purchase the technology and equipment needed to launch our new hybrid model of online and in-person programming in September. We have purchased a 65” Monitor and rolling stand and are currently learning how to incorporate Zoom into our in-person meetings through the use of a NEAT bar and pad.

Maria and Laura learning how to operate our new equipment.

Maria and Laura learning how to operate our new equipment.

A community of learners stirs imaginations and incites brave theater. This is just what happened for us as a result of being online for the past year and a half throughout the pandemic. We learned that there are benefits to online programming that we are planning to integrate with our in-person curriculum.

During the pandemic we imagined ourselves as sailors in uncharted territory while we created ways to be engaged, connected, and creative-- all while being together online. And now we have accepted the challenge to venture to unknown lands as a theater arts organization that will utilize both online and in-person programming. How exciting!

With your help we are spreading our wings to reach new levels of accessibility and inclusion.

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We invite you to become an audience member for one of our livestreaming shows.  Together we are helping to transform the lives of innovative performing artists.

With Appreciation,

Laura Lawson Tucker and Darlene Jenson,

Theatre Adventure 


Theatre Adventure's Hybrid Programming Fundraiser

We invite you to help us with our fundraising campaign to purchase the technology and equipment needed to launch our new hybrid online and in-person programming model this coming fall. 

A community of learners stirs imaginations and incites brave theater. This is just what has happened for us as a result of being online for the past year and a half throughout the pandemic. We have learned that there are benefits to online programming that we would like to integrate with our in-person curriculum.

Watch our 3-minute Fundraising Video!

We will continue to stay true to the values of our seventeen years of high quality student driven work.

We believe all of our students will be enriched with this new hybrid model of programming. We will be able to reach more aspiring artists with disabilities as well as invite guest artists from the larger community. We will have the opportunity to collaborate with new organizations and schools beyond southern Vermont. No longer will transportation, inclement weather, and living far away present barriers to participation.

Please make a donation and help us spread the word by sharing our GiveLively campaign page with your community of friends and colleagues.

An interactive Zoom monitor for integrating on-line and in-person participation.

An interactive Zoom monitor for integrating on-line and in-person participation.

We envision a large monitor on a cart with wheels in order to integrate our remote students with our in-person students, both during classes and while live streaming our shows.

With your help we will spread our wings digitally and reach new levels of accessibility and inclusion!

Tarish Pipkins leads a puppetry movement warm-up. Students mimic his movements in their Zoom windows.

Tarish Pipkins leads a puppetry movement warm-up. Students mimic his movements in their Zoom windows.

The Earth Inspired our Summer Seminar 2021

Our summer artists reveling in each other’s creativity.

Our summer artists reveling in each other’s creativity.

When a group of teachers and visiting artists gather with a group of students who have a spirit of readiness, magic happens. When our muse is the earth, inspiration bubbles all around us. With poetry, sound, percussion, puppetry, and movement we brought to life three original stories of the hills, mountains, and water.

Rich Nethercott sings "The Invitation of the Hill" while Susan, Darlene, Elijah, and Tarish bring the story to life.

Rich Nethercott sings "The Invitation of the Hill" while Susan, Darlene, Elijah, and Tarish bring the story to life.

During our three-week Summer Seminar we explored scenic art, theater games, sound, percussion, poetry and songwriting. The depth and breadth of creativity was awe-inspiring.

We laughed, sang, danced and shared our stories with empathy and appreciation. We have all certainly been nourished

Tarish Pipkin’s leads a puppetry workshop with our summer artists.

Tarish Pipkin’s leads a puppetry workshop with our summer artists.

Shining Stars Cafe was a blast!

Watch a short video of Melody Squires painting

The Invitation of the Hill

The Invitation of the Hill

A poem crafted by Leslie Kinney with words and ideas from the students

How do you know me?

You call me The Hill

With slopes of green

I offer good will

I’m a gentle giant

rising above

Watching with care 

those that I love

Majestic, serene

I offer this place

For respite and solace

Peaceful quiet and grace

When you visit my forests

and rest by my brook

Find refreshing waters

if only you look

My path may be rocky

A challenge I know

But you’ll find motivation

just take it slow

Please don’t be nervous

I invite you to climb

Though sides may be steep

My summit’s sublime

The sun will shine on you

The breeze will caress

My spirit will fill you

and help you destress

You’ll be awed by the view

as you look all around

And proud of yourself

as you make your way down.

Listen closely my friends

for the birds and the deer

for the trees that whisper

if you take time to hear

Pay attention, be curious 

There’s so much to see

Just come for a visit

I hope you'll agree

Hike with your pack

or run with your kite

stroll and be carefree

your travel’s just right

Or study my roundness

from home or a car

My spirit will touch you

from here or afar

So welcome, please visit

however you might

’Tis my greatest pleasure

to bring joy and delight

The Earth Inspires

The Earth Inspires

A poem crafted by Leslie Kinney with words and ideas from the students


The earth inspires in so many ways

And gives us energy throughout our days


Happiness with the morning sun

Outside beckons for a walk or run


Perhaps I'll get on my trusty bike

Or gather friends to go on a hike


Listening to bird songs and rustling leaves

I hear the singing of the trees


Walks in the yard and through the woods

Along the brook, in awe I stood


Seeing flowers, fox, rabbits and deer

It’s all so gorgeous, of this I’m clear


Exploring the forest and waterfall

Sighting more birds that tweet and call


A river flows, a bridge I stride

To relax on a bench on the other side


The ocean wide and salty air

Sparkling water everywhere


The flow of water moves me so

It fills me with an internal glow


The changing seasons and open sky

Leave me breathless, I feel so high


Clouds at dusk and the setting sun

Time to retire, the day is done


Yes, earth inspires I know it’s true

She offers her gifts to me and you.


Week One Summer Seminar

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Theatre Adventure’s Summer Seminar “The Earth Inspires!” had an incredibly fun and vibrant first week.

Our mornings were filled with joyful greetings, group movement, imagining characters for a Friday performance. We did stretching and warm-ups, rhythm with Russ Horton, Sher Levesque led the movement to Leslie Kinney’s poetry, and Rich Nethercott led songwriting workshops. We went into break-out rooms to work on puppets, characters and do zither-making. Visiting interdisciplinary artist Tarish "Jeghetto” Pipkins lead students in drawing and puppetry exercises that culminated in a group performance of the earth-inspired original story, “Of the Hills,” written and presented by Maia Gilmour. After traveling the world and arriving home again, we bid a grateful and heartfelt farewell to Tarish Pipkin’s and set our sites on week two with a new story to tell.

Tarish Pipkin’s leads a puppetry workshop with our summer artists.

Tarish Pipkin’s leads a puppetry workshop with our summer artists.

Paul holds up the landscape art he created in a scenic art workshop.

Paul holds up the landscape art he created in a scenic art workshop.

Katherine holds up her Curious Child character portrait with pride.

Katherine holds up her Curious Child character portrait with pride.

A Sandglass Theater Collaboration

Theatre Adventure is honored to have been asked by Sandglass Theater to collaborate with Tarish Pipkins, more commonly known as Jeghetto, a visiting artist with the Sandglass Theater Voices of Community Program. He will visit the Theatre Adventure Summer Seminar during our first week, June 21-25 to help inspire and guide the creation of puppets for a re-telling of our earth-inspired original story, “Of the Hills,” written by another visiting artist, Maia Gilmour. Several original stories will be explored during the second and third weeks of camp.

Voices of Community presents top-level performance artists from around the country whose work embodies a commitment to the arts as a powerful means for effecting social change to inspire dialogue, understanding and engagement with diverse issues within our own community.  

Find out more about Voices of Community 

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Tarish "Jeghetto” Pipkins

Jeghetto is a self taught artist who creates live paintings, poetry and puppet theater. His work focuses on themes of racial justice, human communication, and the inspiration found in common materials such as paper and cardboard. Jeghetto’s passion is promoting oneness through the magic of Puppetry. 

Most recently, Jeghetto had the pleasure to work with national recording artist, Missy Elliott on her music video, WTF (Where They From) controlling the Pharell puppet and doing some puppet building. 

To learn more about his art and teaching, visit

On-Line Summer Seminar 2021

“The Earth Inspires!”

Interactive expressive arts and earth-centered explorations

June 21- July 9 (9 am to noon)

We will experience real connections with each other and with the earth. We will learn earth-centered stories and use expressive arts to deepen our relationship with one another, our own artistry, and the natural world.

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In a nurturing and creative community, Theatre Adventure summer troupe members will experience story-telling, acting, sound, percussion, singing, song-writing, movement, yoga, stories, poetry, puppetry, painting, costuming, and collage. The earth will be our muse!

The summer team will include Theatre Adventure teachers and visiting artists. We are thrilled to announce our visiting artist and teacher team for this summer’s seminar. Russ Horton returns after many years with us as our multi-instrumentalist Percussion Artist. Rich Nethercott will return as our Singer-Songwriter. Maia Gilmour will join us as our Story-Teller for her first summer with us.  Rachel Durante will return as our Theater Artist. Sher returns as our Sound and Movement Artist.  Leslie returns as our Poetry Artist. Jenny returns as a Theater Teacher. Darlene will be our Puppetry Teacher and Laura will be a Movement Teacher. We will utilize inventive ways throughout each morning to achieve an interactive and imaginative summer program.

Join us for three weeks of dynamic and multi-disciplinary expressive arts designed for a mixed ages group. Creativity and inspired teamwork will rule in our inclusive and welcoming environment! We will enjoy one another’s artistry and expressions of self, rooted in earth-centered explorations.

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Dates: June 21– July 9; Monday- Friday 

Times: 9:00 am- noon (10:30- 11, snack-break)

Ages: For youth and adults with disabilities and a burning desire to express self!

Location: ON-LINE sessions (Due to Covid-19)

Tuition: $475 

Part-time attendance options are available: 

2 days/week (duration of camp): $300; 

3 days/week: (duration of camp): $400;

1 week full-time: $300; 2 weeks full-time: $400

Please contact us about partial financial aid assistance.


SPECIAL ON-LINE EVENT: Shining Stars Café 

Thursday July 8 from 1- 3 pm. This optional event is a community open-mic hosted by Theatre Adventure and HCRS. 

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Registration for the three-week summer program is open now!

~For further information and to register, please contact one of the Directors: 

Laura Lawson Tucker 


Darlene Jenson 


“Charlotte’s Web” is Radiant!


After a year and a half of show development, the Wednesday Troupe is about to debut their original online adaptation of E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web May 12, 13, and 14 at 10:30 am.

The characters have truly come to life. The story of loneliness, belonging, friendship, and creative problem solving, all set on a New England farm during the cycle of the seasons, has grown to have special meaning for the Troupe. We feel held with tenderness, anticipation, and togetherness. And now, our journey over the past year and a half through the seasons in the story has brought us to the current season of renewal. 

The Charlotte’s Web actors are proud and ready to perform.

The Charlotte’s Web actors are proud and ready to perform.

Our actors have demonstrated great ability to hold a storyline vibrant and expectant over a long period of time. They have also shown that with commitment and teamwork, waiting for change, for Charlotte’s babies to be born, will happen.  In E.B.White’s words, “Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or hatch.”


The Troupe brings to our online stage a richness of acting talents and styles of self-expression. Our show integrates silhouettes, imaginative puppets, dancing, original soundscapes and beautiful imagery.

Elijah and Anthony performed in Theatre Adventure’s first production of Charlotte’s Web in 2010!

Elijah playing Templeton in our 2010 Charlotte’s Web Production.

Elijah playing Templeton in our 2010 Charlotte’s Web Production.

Anthony playing Farmer Zuckerman in our 2010 Charlotte’s Web Production

Anthony playing Farmer Zuckerman in our 2010 Charlotte’s Web Production

Anthony and Elijah in Rehearsal for our 2021 Charlotte’s Web Production

Our actors have some great coaches and stage hands!

Our actors have some great coaches and stage hands!

As we have learned in Theatre Adventure, the creative process often offers unexpected opportunities. We have decided to turn our live show into a filmed production that we livestream during our showtimes. The actors will be gathering in a "watch party" during the livestreams to witness themselves and their fellow actors perform. They will greatly enjoy your comments in the YouTube Chat Box during the show. Thank you for being a dynamic audience enthusiastically supporting our actors.

Brady performing as the character Avery during one of our filming sessions. 

Brady performing as the character Avery during one of our filming sessions. 

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In only one week Theatre Adventure actors will be showcased in our filmed production of Charlotte’s Web.

Help us spread the word and purchase your tickets today!